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Penelope Milner, our guest judge for the June Get Dusty ‚A body in motion‘

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Penelope studied fine art in Wales and then worked for several years co-ordinating art exhibitions in a Milton Keynes public art gallery. In 1984 she decided to return full time to her painting, working for exhibitions and commissioned portraits.

She lived in London and spent time in rural south of Italy. These experiences lead to a decision in 1989 to move away from an urban life and settle the country side, to be surrounded by nature with the space and the freedom to paint. The Lot valley provided a perfect opportunity.

Penelope continued to return to England to exhibit, showing principally at the Royal Academy and with the British Pastel Society, where she gained the young artist award in 2003. She has exhibited in Numerous Private galleries in Britain as well as Toulouse, Lyon and Paris.

In the following years Penelope exhibited regularly with the French Pastel Society, where she was accepted as a member and was later, in 2009, awarded the title of 'Maitre Pastelliste'. Since then she has been invited to exhibit and to teach in many regions of France, from Paris to Grenoble. In 2013 she was 'invitée d'honneur' at the International Salon 'Pastel en Bretagne', in 2015, 'Le Salon de Realism' and In Jouy en Josas. In 2017 Penelope was awarded 1st prize for her work in the International Pastel Salon in Giverny.

Her work has been featured in 'Pastel Journal', 'Pratique des Arts' and 'Artists' magazine.

Since 2008 Penelope has taught life drawing in Paris and Limoges for the French Pastel society as well as running regular oil and pastel classes from her studio in Caussenil, Catus.



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